Sunday, July 12, 2009

Standard form Ax+By=C of y=1/2+7/2 , y=1/5x+2/5 , y=-3/7x+-5/7 , y= 4/3x+-3?

Dear Mr. xxxstarswirl...

For the linear equations in the standard form of Ax + By =C,

we have:

1). y = 1/2 + 7/2 = 8/2 = 4 the slope m = 0

and y=4

2). y = 1/5x + 2/5 the slope m = 1/5

y-intercept , b = 2/5

y-interception point is ( 0, 2/5)

[ multiplying by 5] 5y = x + 2

x - 5y + 2 = 0

3). y= -3/7x + -5/7 the slope m = -3/7

y-intercept, b = -5/7

y-interception point is ( 0, -5/7)

[multiplying by 7] 7y = -3x - 5

3x + 7y + 5 = 0

4). y = 4/3x + -3 the slope m = 4/3

y-intercept, b = -3

y-interception point is ( 0, -3)

[multiplying by 3] 3y = 4x - 9

4x - 3y - 9=0

Thank you for your problem, and thank you for the opportunity of sharing in its computations.


(a.k.a. calvaliear)

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