Thursday, July 9, 2009

The line passing through (2,-5) and (-4,7) A) slope-intercept b) point slope form c) standard form?

Okay, won't do all of this, but I'll give you slope-intercept:

Remember that slope is rise over run or y-y1/x-x1 SO:

-5-7/2-(-4) =

-12/6 or


This serves as your slope, or your m in your equation of y=mx+b.

So we know that our equation will look something like


We need to find b. To do this we simply must put in known values for x and y. Since we have two examples of these, we will simply use the first se (2,-5). This makes our equation look like:


multiply to get:


add 4 to each side


We can then put b into our equation and we get:


To prove this is correct, simply put in the other set of values and see if the equation remains true. We will put in -4 for x and 7 for y:


multiply first


7=7 so our equation is correct. We have found the correct slope intercept equation of y=-2x-1

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